Money management

Sportbetting with the right approach and right money management is a very good investment.
1. Only bet 1 betting unit = 1-2% of bankroll in one bet.
If you have 100€ bankroll, then bet with 1-2 €.
If you have 10'000€ bankroll, then bet with 100-200 € per bet.
2. Don't bet more than 10 bets (10% of bankroll) simultaneously
3. Bet only carefully selected bets.  Use help of longtime proven experts like those of zcode ore bet according to a longtime proven system.

4: Focus only on bets with VALUE and EDGE, no bet without true value. You must understand what that means, if not, you are doomed to loose money over time.
Learn more about my approach.

5: Learn this like a profession, best is to join the community of hundred of sports investors in all kinds of sports, to learn from the best.
 join the zcode community

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